Then, after a tour of glorious Slovenske Konjice across the main square and the St. George Church, we went to take a coffee at the youth center were I was working and there I had the chance to catch up with old friends and to meet the new generation of EVS volunteers, tell them about my experience there, advice them about where to go eat in Slovenske Konjice and the surrounding area and ask about their lives there.
It is always kind of weird to come back and meet new volunteers; they are living the experience I lived before, but they are living it in a completely different way. My experience there was strongly influenced by the wonderful people I shared it with, and it is weird to imagine that they are doing the same things, but with completely different people. They live in a different apartment, they hang out in different places… but still we share the core experience: live as a foreign in small village of such a peculiar country, where they still have few tourists and people are truly amazed when you make the effort to speak their language. By the way, time was flying and around noon we left glorious Slovenske Konjice heading to Maribor.