On the way we admired a couple of beautiful villages, small houses perched on a hill and enlightened by the last ray of sunshine still unfailingly fighting against the rain.
So last Monday I arranged with few colleagues to go to a lake near Rome after our work shift.
It was a beautiful sunny day, of those that makes you foresee that a warm spring was finally approaching… at least until when we left for our glorious road trip!
In fact, as soon as we entered into the car, it started raining, and it didn’t stop all evening long!
In the rain we proceeded until lake Nemi, each one of us secretly wishing to be at home, pouring a glass of wine while enjoying a good movie, but also afraid to express out loud this inner wish.

Arrived at Nemi, we asked for directions to reach the lake to whom we later guessed was an Indiana Jones’ devotee; he sent us along a broken ground, a steep and uneven road of stones that, on the occasion, was also full of mud! While we were adventurously trying to reach the lake, the two boys in front of the car were alternating moments of drama queening to moments of story telling (quoting the scariest horror movies with similar locations), while me and the other girl were chatting and laughing (mostly about a “for sale” over there, ’cause at the moment I’m obsessively looking for a flat and, as it has to be affordable, I’m already visiting all the shit on the market).
After we survived, we realized to be hungry. Of course the majority of the restaurants of the area were closed, and we ended up to the first place at the entrance of the village pretentiously called “La Pergola” (as one of the best restaurant in Rome) which, despite many positive reviews, was a total disappointment!
On the way back, after we harshly criticized the dinner and after each one of us meticulously reported on how wet he was (the overall report session sounding like the “one hundred and one dalmatians'” puppy complaining for the cold weather), we confessed each other our inner wish when the first drop of rain fell on us. And if before we were ashamed to express that thought out loud, then we were competing for who understood first that it would be an experience we would regret.
But the truth is, we didn’t. :-)