“We should ask Ammar what the traditional games played in Egypt are. Then we teach them to the kids of Bijlmer and arrange a play-day …
Street ArtAmsterdamStreet Art Guide
“We should ask Ammar what the traditional games played in Egypt are. Then we teach them to the kids of Bijlmer and arrange a play-day …
Amsterdam is unlike any other city for the Iranian activist-artist brothers Icy & Sot. Amsterdam is where they had their first solo exhibition abroad in …
Blessed by the sun, we made the most of this very “undutch” day by taking a tour of the beautiful gardens, the picturesque towns, and …
Everyone else would have simply moved just a little bit further. Everyone but the Dutch people. Stubborn Dutch people have, instead, waged a war with …
During my last street art trip, I’ve ended up spending quite some time in Amsterdam. I was there to learn more about R.U.A. – Reflexo …